Education and Female Genital Mutilation in Ekiti State, Nigeria


  • Moruf Olugbenga Adeyi Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti
  • Temitayo Abimbola Makinde Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti


Female genital mutilation, Media campaign, Health campaign, Education


This study examined education and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) practices in Ekiti State. The descriptive research design of the survey type was adopted for this study, with the population consisting of all married women living in the 16 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Ekiti State. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select 371 married women as sample from 6 LGAs. The instrument titled ‘Perceived Impact of Education on Female Genital Mutilation Practice (PIEFGMP)’ was used to collect data for the study. The instrument was subjected to face and content validity. The reliability co-efficient of 0.79 was obtained through the Cronbach Alpha reliability testing method. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. All hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings showed that the level of FGM practice in Ekiti State was moderate and correspondent the level of campaign programme on FGM practice was low. The findings also showed significant relationship between media campaign, health campaign, level of education and FGM practice in Ekiti State. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that government and policy makers should promote women’s access to education, health care, and develop projects that generally promote women’s access to and engagement with the media.




How to Cite

Adeyi, M. O., & Makinde, T. A. (2024). Education and Female Genital Mutilation in Ekiti State, Nigeria. African Journal of Educational Management, 25(2), 352–363. Retrieved from