Phenotypic structure, Morphologic variability, Croaker fish, Lagoon ecosystemsAbstract
The adaptive phenotypic flexibility, descriptive and discreteness characteristics of Pseudotolithus typus obtained from Epe and Lagos lagoons in southwestern Nigeria were investigated to ensure precise identification, management and conservation of the species. Six meristic counts and 15 morphometric measurements were collected from mature Pseudotolithus typus obtained from Epe and Lagos Lagoons. Data on phenotypic and heterogeneous attributes were analysed using descriptive statistics, linear regression, and Discriminant Factor Analysis (DFA). Meristic values ranged from 2.00±0.00 (Eye) - 30.80±1.16 (Dorsal-Fin-Rays) and 2.00±0.00 (Eye) - 31.03±0.76 (Dorsal-Fin-Rays) in Epe and Lagos lagoons, respectively. Dorsal Spine Count had a higher variation at Epe (Coefficient of Variation, CV=5.58%) than Lagos lagoon (CV=4.65%). Morphometric values ranged from 4.25±0.51 (Orbital Length) - 28.77±1.54 (Head Length) in Epe Lagoon; and 3.52±0.22 (Pectoral Fin Width) - 28.35±1.75 (Body Depth) in Lagos Lagoon. Caudal Peduncle Length (CV=34.02%) and Mouth Height (CV= 12.44%) had the highest variation in Epe and Lagos Lagoons; respectively. Generally, 56.25% and 37.50% of the attributes had CV>10% in Epe and Lagos Lagoons. Cross-validation of group membership revealed 95.0% (entire), 93.3% (Epe) and 96.7% (Lagos) correctness of the apriori groupings. Pseudotolithus typus population demonstrated taxonomic sanctity, but differentially flexible phenotypes across Epe and Lagos lagoons. This indicates the adaptive potential and survivability of the species in multiple lagoon environments.
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