Growth and yield response of Okra to method and time of poultry manure application under rain-fed conditions
Crop demand; Nutrient supply; Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus); Poultry manure; SynchronyAbstract
Matching nutrient demand with supply is critical for plant growth, development and yield. This study investigated the growth and yield response of Okra (Abelmoscus esculentus) to the method and time of poultry manure application, in order to match the time of optimum nutrient release with nutrient uptake by the okra plants. A randomized complete block design with 6 treatments and 3 replicates was used for this study. The poultry manure was applied at three different times: During planting (0-DOP), 2 weeks after planting (2-WAP) and 4 weeks after planting (4-WAP) using two application methods: surface-broadcasting and plow-incorporation. Results showed significant differences in method and time of application of poultry manure. The application of poultry manure, using plow-incorporation method on the day of planting (0-DOPI), significantly improved growth and yield (5.88 t ha-1) of okra. Also, 0-DOPI treatment took fewer days to attain 50% flowering (55 days) and fruit setting (58 days). This indicated that the match between nutrient demand and supply was most evident under 0-DOPI treatment. However, the surface broadcasting method at 2-WAP and 4-WAP, could not match release and supply of nutrients with critical developmental stages of okra. Hence, poultry manure incorporation at time of planting could improve okra production in the study area.
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