Enhancing Data Security: Implementing a Step-Count Method for Confidential Communications during Practical Transmission
Encryption key, Encryption, Cipher text, Block cipher, DecryptionAbstract
Overall, the improved structure of the data encryption standard algorithm delivers a state-of-the-art solution for
protecting confidential data backed by unrivaled expertise and meticulous design. It is an essential tool in
today's digital landscape, where cybersecurity threats are ever-evolving. Encryption is the encoding of a
statement that only trusted parties can read. Only the authorized recipient understands the encoded message. The
research aims to develop a step-count data encryption model for minimizing information breaches in
transmission. In this research, the "key" length is the same as the original dataset, the cipher length is equal to
the original message, and it has a reduction in encrypting and decrypting times compared to the RSA algorithm.