Education Systems Interoperability: Implications for Privacy and Security in Educational Management Information Systems


  • O, A Adenubi Tai Solarin University of Education Ijagun, Department of Computer Science
  • N Samuel Tai Solarin University of Education Ijagun; Department of Educational Technology
  • A. O Oyenuga Tai Solarin University of Education Ijagun; Department of Educational Technology


Interoperability, Privacy, Security, Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS)


The importance of robust Educational Management Information System (EMIS) becomes very essential in
addressing the complexities of data management, particularly as Nigerian educational systems is progressively
leveraging the interrelated platforms in order to enhance operational efficiency and data sharing. However,
educational sector is faced with several related challenges like: fragmented data, management systems, data
privacy concerns, inadequate technology infrastructure, interoperability that is poor between different platforms,
and lack of standardized protocols. These challenges made most institutions of learning to compromise the
security and integrity of sensitive information. This study presents conceptual model that exemplifies the
synergistic interactions among the major components of EMIS, by stressing the main roles of interoperability,
security and privacy. Interoperability is central and surrounded by Data Governance, Technology Infrastructure,
Privacy Measures, Regulatory Compliance, Security Measures, and Stakeholder Engagement. Each of the
components is interconnected to illustrate how technology infrastructure enable effective data exchange while
preserving sensitive information. The integration of these components in the proposed model offers qualitative
understanding for educational institutions to strive well in enhancing EMIS while securing stakeholder’s privacy.
This strategy addresses the present limitations of EMIS in Nigeria, opening way for a more efficient and safe
educational data management system. It is recommended that educational institutions should be encouraged in
adopting standardized procedures for seamless integration of EMIS in order to facilitate overall functionality
and efficient exchange of data. Also, institutions should develop clear data governance policies that prioritize
privacy and security, ensuring regulatory compliance and promoting responsible data use through regular
training and awareness programs.


