Impact of habitat change on physico-chemical characteristics of Awba dam tourism centre reservoir, University of Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria


  • S. O. Ojo Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria


Awba dam, Dredging, Physico-chemical parameters, Specie loss


Reservoirs are natural or artificial lakes that provide habitat for several species of wildlife as well as spots for tourist attraction, Awba dam inclusive. Hence, an assessment of the effects of dredging on the physico-chemical characteristics of Awba dam water and avian composition within the dam was done during the wet and dry seasons of 2013-2014. Physico-chemical parameters such as transparency, total dissolved solids [TDS] dissolved oxygen [DO] were investigated. Bird survey carried out using line transect method (Bibby et al., 2002),birds heard and seen were recorded morning (6:00-10.30hrs) and evening (16:00-18.30hrs). Data obtained were analysed usingdescriptive statistics and ANOVA at P<0.05. Values of physicochemical parameters of the dam observed ranged as follows: water temperature, 24-26°C, transparency 0.0-0.3m, TDS 143.2-151.5mg/L, conductivity, 289.2-
391.5µmhos/cm respectively. The mean rainfall for 2013-2015 was 1550mm, while mean air temperature was at 22-23°C respectively. Zn was (-0.641), Cu was (0.788) while Fe was (0.797) respectively. A total of 18 species of birds comprising of 11 families and 6 orders were recorded during this survey. These are seven (7) carnivores (38.8%), three (3) frugivores (16.6%), five (5) granivores (27.7%), two (2) insectivores (11.1%), and one (1) nectarinivores (5.55%) respectively. The impact of the dredging has taken a heavy toll on the physic-chemical parameters as well as on the flora and fauna species diversity. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is highly necessary if such massive habitat change is required in the future to for stall species loss.




How to Cite

Ojo, . S. O. (2023). Impact of habitat change on physico-chemical characteristics of Awba dam tourism centre reservoir, University of Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Rural Extension and Development, 10(1), 8–15. Retrieved from