About the Journal

The Journal's Review Process

NJRED employs a two-tier review system. First, the editor reviews each submission to determine its suitability for further peer review by the NJRED Manuscript Review Committee. If a submission is judged suitable for further review is sent to two reviewers for in-depth assessment using a blind review process. The reviewers focus on the contribution to knowledge and appropriateness of methodology alongside writing style. If the submission is considered unsuitable, the editor either rejects the manuscript or highlights its weaknesses and proffers revision suggestions to the author(s).

Instruction to authors/contributors

  1. Articles must be original research work that should not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Formatting of articles is expected to be done using MS Word (any version) with tables and figures well formatted, headings, and other illustrations distinguishable.

Articles submitted should be provided with a short abstract of about 250 words at the beginning of the text, which should concisely report the main results and important conclusions, and at least three keywords are required at the base of the abstract. The manuscript heading should contain the following:

  1. Title of the article
  2. Author(s) name(s), 
  3. The institutional affiliation of the author(s)
  4. Correspondence author with an e-mail address.

All these are expected to be profiled in the metadata that should be completed on the journal portal.

A list of references for works cited should be given at the end of the text, in alphabetical order using the APA style of referencing, viz., the surname of the author(s), initials, year of publication in parenthesis, the title of the paper, name of the journal (italicized) or book, volume, and first and last pages of the cited material.

Tables and figures must be numbered, self-explanatory, and appropriately referred to in the body of the paper. All measurements must be in the metric system, and currency should be converted.

Only e-copies of manuscripts are acceptable and should be uploaded to the journal's website. Papers should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words in order words, a maximum of 15 pages of one-and-half line spaced, 12 font size, and one-inch border spaces.

The author(s) of published manuscripts will receive a pdf and hard copy of the journal volume in which their article appears. Authors will be required to pay a set of fees to offset the cost of publication, which are:

1. Reviewing fee = N10,000 and $20 for international contributors

2. Page charge = N25,000 and $50 for international contributors

All payments are to be made to:

Bank: First Bank Plc

Account name: UI Microfinance Bank

Account number: 2020527642

Description: NJRED journal