About the Journal

Notes to Contributors
Contributions to al-Fikr should be original works which have neither been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere nor published previously. The journal will consider articles for publication in Arabic and English. Manuscripts should be submitted in final publishable form including full transliteration for Arabic names and titles. Contributors should refer to the Journal of Arabic Literature or Journal of Islamic Studies for insights into the transliteration style which is acceptable to al-Fikr. They should equally use either the Chicago manual of style or Modern Language Association system in referencing their articles. Authors will be required to supply camera-ready copy of any Arabic texts to be included in their articles.
Articles submitted for publication in al-Fikr are subject to a process of peer review, in accordance with standard academic practice. Such articles should be typed doubled-spaced and on separate sheets with margins and should not be less than 5000 words but not be more than 8000 words. The articles should have a cover page on which the full name of the author or authors, affiliation and email address are boldly printed. They should equally contain an abstract of not more than 250 words. Such articles, in triplicate, should be sent to: The Editor, al-Fikr, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Authors shall be required to send camera ready copy of their articles after initial assessment and review to the business manager via the following email address: arabic_studies@ui.edu.ng
Single copy costs 25 dollars including postatge and handling.